Parnassus Reads

Reader and infrequent writer. I read and review books from many different genres, though my primary interest is in literary fiction. Fantasy and YA is easier to review though, so you'll see a lot of that here. 


I'm always open to suggestions for good books. 

Currently reading

Special Topics in Calamity Physics
Marisha Pessl
The Complete Sherlock Holmes
Arthur Conan Doyle
Sherlock Holmes: The Complete Novels and Stories, Volume I
Arthur Conan Doyle
Jane Eyre
Ruben Toledo, Charlotte Brontë
Savage Beauty: The Life of Edna St. Vincent Millay
Nancy Milford
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
Susanna Clarke
The Secret History
Donna Tartt
Red Sorghum
Mo Yan, Howard Goldblatt
Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman
Robert K. Massie
Neal Stephenson